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  • Fieldstone HOA

HOA Board Meeting 5/4/21 (Updated with Minutes)

Updated: Aug 8, 2021

The Fieldstone HOA board of directors will be meeting on Tuesday, May 4, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. at the Savoy Recreation Center, 402 Graham Dr.

Agenda items include sewer drainage issues, construction traffic on common areas, debris and maintenance of common areas, including the ponds and fountains.

Homeowners will have an opportunity to ask questions of the board of directors.

Minutes from the May 4th Fieldstone HOA Meeting are below:

Meeting came to order at approximately 6:31p.m. at the Savoy Recreation Center.

In attendance were HOA Board: Bill Navigato, Michael Lauher, Elly Peirson, Denny Morgan, Barbara Schroeder and homeowners: Rick Schroeder, Darin McCoy, Austin Walters.

I. Secretary’s report

a. Minutes shared for March 9, 2021 meeting and posted on the HOA website. Minutes already approved by board via email.

II. Treasurer’s Report

a. We have $81,398.25 in the account at this time. We have received $42,075 income from dues this year. Five homeowners remain outstanding in their dues, one of those five has been outstanding for two years. Michael has sent the delinquent accounts three notices of their past due accounts.

b. The Marine Biologist bill was less than predicted – about half of what they quoted us. So far, the algae in the ponds appears to be under control and definitely much better than last year.

c. Treasurer’s report accepted without opposition.

III. Old Business

a. Fountains – The Sprinkler Guys, who we retained last year, have not been responsive to our repeated emails and phone calls to address the broken fountain. We have contacted a few other pond contractors but none do commercial work. Marine Biologists can address the issue, but pricing is unclear based on the email we received from Bill Hancock. They are familiar with our fountain and use the same brand. Bill to call and get more clarity on the cost to repair/replace/clean our fountains and get them running again. Board will approve expense by email.

IV. New Business

a. Construction Traffic – we received a complaint that a homeowner’s landscape company was using the commons area to drive heavy equipment and store debris. We sent an email to all homeowners and the homeowner who was having work done on her property responded and agreed to rectify any damage done. The area has since been cleared of debris and we have noticed no further damage. Reminder: if any homeowner needs to access/use the common area for home improvement projects they must contact the HOA board prior to construction and discuss the potential use/damage of HOA property.

b. Debris in Pond/Commons

We received a notification that someone discarded their Christmas tree in the South pond. An email and notice was sent to all homeowners to remove the tree. We did not receive a response from the homeowner who discarded the tree, but it appears the tree is no longer floating in the South pond. Denny to double check and report back.

c. Vole damage in Commons

Our landscaper, Juan from A Plus, indicated that there is extensive evidence of voles in the common areas. He offered to apply a poison to kill them, but this poison is toxic to children and pets. Plus the application of this poison will need to be reapplied every six weeks as the voles breed and continue to be applied every year. Voles are a recurring issue in Central Illinois and exist in even the most well-maintained gardens – like the Idea Garden at U of I. If we attempt to rid the common areas of voles, they will retreat to the the homeowners’ properties causing bigger issues instead. At this point the board decided against any vole remediation.

d. Parking

Overnight parking on the street appears to be a reoccurring. Our covenants do not allow for overnight parking on the street. Another reminder will be sent to the homeowners.

e. Interest on Past Due Account

  • Michael suggested we begin to enforce the interest accumulated on delinquent accounts. Due to the financial concerns surrounding COVID, however, the board determined we would send one more notice of delinquency to the homeowners who have not paid their dues and request that they contact us if their finances have been impacted because of the pandemic and they are unable to pay.

  • Discussed establishing a procedure for delinquent accounts and when we should file a lien on the property, including weighing the costs of the filing.

  • Board decided to give delinquent homeowners a 30-day grace period to pay their past due accounts or enforce the interest retroactively to March 1. Notice to two-year delinquent homeowner will be sent requiring a signature receipt.

f. New resident welcome information/packet

Discussed mailing a copy of the covenants and bylaws to new residents including a cover letter that has bullet points of frequent reminders (parking issues, debris, etc.), as well as the ways they can contact us and connect with their neighbors.

g. Fiberoptics

The Village of Savoy contacted Bill to say that a Champaign communications company will be laying cable in our subdivision at no cost to us. No objection by the HOA.

h. Landscape Committee

  • Spring report tendered to board prior to the meeting.

  • The majority of projects are being funded through donations this year due to budget constraints. Plant sale fundraiser will be May 15.

  • Elly moved to allow the landscape committee to use fund earmarked for the living willow structure to other use since we are unable to complete that project this year. Approved without opposition.

  • Bill to contact Juan to get a small amount of additional mulch to spread on the Summerbrook garden beds.

  • Need to add winterization and spring turn-on of irrigation system to our budget. It is free the first year, but $65 each for the subsequent years.

  • Sharon Morgan asked if she can plant a donated tree behind her property in the commons. She will pay for the cost and maintain the tree’s watering needs. Approved without opposition.

  • Marta Grote asked if the landscape committee can plant ornamental grasses to obstruct her view of the pond pump pipes directly behind her property. She is willing to donate to cover the expense of this project. Approve without opposition.

  • Several homeowners have noticed some properties are not being mowed and have overgrown with weeds. Elly and Barb to work on letter to homeowner or developer/realtor with vacant lot to remind them of their responsibility to maintain their lawn, including the Village ordinance, covenant restrictions, and penalties.

i. Sump Pump issue at McCoy property

  • Darin McCoy contacted the HOA board about sinkholes near/on his property. He has done some preliminary investigation and retained Schoonover Sewer, who roto-rooted his line and found no blockage. Darin has asked the HOA to inspect the issue.

  • Rick and Barbara Schroeder, as well as Michael and Denny have all visually inspected the area. It is unclear what is causing the problem and where it is. Rick is a retired civil engineer with extensive experience regarding this issue and Denny spoke to a plumber who said that the most common problem is a failure at the connection between the homeowner’s line and the collector line.

  • The board authorized Darin to access HOA property to inspect the cause of the issue and bear the cost of this expense. If the inspection reveals that the line is obstructed or failing on the HOA collector line, we will reimburse his cost of the inspection and address the issue. Darin does not want to pay for further inspection because he is concerned that the cause of the issue (obstruction, tree root, etc.) will be ambiguous and he just wants to address the issue. The board does not want to give Darin blanket authority to start digging, particularly when the cause of the issue is unclear. Darin offered to split the cost of the inspection with the board, but that was rejected.

  • Further discussion resulted in two motions – Rick agreed to work with Darin and Schoonover to determine what exactly they inspected and how far they went in the line. Rick will also monitor digging around the area to further assess the issue and determine the cause of the problem. Darin to pay for the expenses at this time, but if further information reveals that the cause of the issue stems from the HOA’s collector line, the HOA will reimburse Darin’s expenses. Motions passed without opposition.

Meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m. (late at the SRC).

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